I'm 40, and I just had my first seven weeks ago. I have nothing to compare it to, but I think I had a pretty typical experience regardless of my age. The pregnancy was fine - I was able to exercise until about 33 weeks. The baby is healthy as can be. Do I wish I had had kids earlier in life? Yes. But life didn't pan out that way. I spent all of my twenties with one man who I knew wasn't right for me and eventually ended it. I could very well have had a kid with him (I'm so glad I didn't). I met my now-husband at 36, so things happened a bit later in life for me. But I'm so glad I was still able to experience motherhood at my age.
I am pretty healthy and have taken good care of myself, so I don't think my age has played such a huge role in my experience. However, given the risks associated with pregnancy and birth defects at this age, I don't think I would be willing to risk it for a second child.
I started having kids when I was 29 and just had my last baby (number four) at 36. I definitely wish I would have started sooner (at least 27). I've been with my husband since I was 16, so it wasn't like we couldn't have. Prior to kids, I worked but didn't have a career, and that was okay. Financially, we were okay. We finished building our first home in 2016, and our first kid was born in 2017.