Mom's hack for teaching her daughter the alphabet slammed as 'disgusting' and 'embarrassing': 'Wrong in so many ways'

Casey Jean, a fashionable mother, teaches her daughter the ABCs using luxury brand names in a TikTok video, which gained over 8.1 million views. While some praise her modern parenting style, many critics argue it promotes consumerism and elitism. The trend of naming babies after fashion houses and the use of luxury items in parenting reveal a growing societal fascination with equating fashion with personal values and identity. Despite the backlash, some parents embrace this approach to instill stylish traits in their children.
"This is wrong in so many ways," carped a critic in the comments. "I feel like the Kardashians read this to their children," spat a separate spoilsport.
Couture-minded mothers, worldwide, are prewiring their broods to idolize big brands from the womb. Annalisa Thomas, a luxury nursery brand pro, recently revealed that parents are naming newborns after fashion houses like Valentino and Chanel in effort to 'instill' voguish values in their kids.
The tome, similar to preschool page-turners such as 'ABCs of Fashion' and 'ABCs of Luxury: A Bougie Baby's Guide,' introduces youngsters to the industry's most iconic imprints and influential names.
But dowdy Debbie-downers don't seem agree with Jean's bringing up baby by design. Her controversial clip, which has amassed over 8.1 million TikTok views, has also managed to tick off trolls who prefer the old-fashioned way of tutoring tots on the fundamentals of reading.
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