Mom Calls Out Men Who Want Kids But Don't Actually Want To Be Dads

"Men are taught to want kids, but not how to be dads. There are lots of men that want to have kids. There are fewer men that want to be dads, and it's really important, as women, that we discern between the two, because they're not the same."
"A man that wants kids, he's thinking legacy. He's thinking caring on the family name, having little mini-me's running around, having kids running around, the milestones, the highlight reel. Very few men though, when they think about, 'I want to be a father', are they thinking about the daily grind task, the midnight feedings, the diaper changes..."
"We bombard boys with messages about being providers, protectors. But when's the last time you actually saw a boy being taught how to nurture?"
"So, before you have kids with a man, watch how they handle responsibility. Do they take initiative on things, or are they always sitting back waiting for you to tell them what to do?"
Read at Scary Mommy