Intellectual overexcitability (OE) is one of five intensities experienced by individuals with high IQs, as identified by Kazimierz Dabrowski. Although not every gifted individual may exhibit intellectual OE, they all possess at least one form of OE, which can include emotional, imaginational, psychomotor, or sensual intensities. Those with intellectual OE typically demonstrate traits such as deep thinking, strong curiosity, and an active mind. It’s crucial for parents and educators to understand these traits to support gifted individuals effectively.
The intellectual overexcitability (OE) is a valid phenomenon affecting individuals with high IQ, as they experience intensified curiosity and cognitive engagement.
According to Kazimierz Dabrowski, all intellectually gifted individuals with an IQ of 130 or above have at least one form of overexcitability.
Markers of intellectual OE include a deep and independent thinking process, an active mind, and a strong curiosity for acquiring knowledge.
Not every gifted person displays all characteristics of intellectual OE but may still embody this intensity through varying degrees.
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