Exploring Black fatherhood and father-daughter relationships, from life to loss

In Houston, CoolxDad organized a Valentine's Day-themed photoshoot for fathers and their daughters, promoting bonding and positive relationships. Founder Kevin Barnett emphasized the initiative's mission to uplift fathers of color, creating a supportive space. The event highlighted the importance of fathers in their daughters' lives, encouraging lasting memories through shared experiences. Participants expressed joy in the opportunity to strengthen their connections, while emphasizing the tradition they intend to establish for future Valentine’s Days. The photoshoot served as a joyful moment of joy and love amid a quiet setting.
Giggles from little girls, some toddlers, others a bit older watching the controlled chaos unfold around them drift into the hallway.
It's important that we continuously show our daughters that we want to pour into [them]," Barnett said.
I cherish every single moment that I have with her. She's brought so much balance to my life," new dad Marvin Pierre said of his daughter.
This now becomes the thing that their daughters [are] gonna be asking next year, 'Daddy, are we gonna be taking our pictures this year?'
Read at ABC13 Houston