"As A Parent, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand": People Are Sharing Popular Parenting Trends They Completely Disagree With

"I hear parents threaten their child to behave a certain way. 'I'll take your presents back!' or 'We won't come here ever again!'. My neighbor knocked on the door recently with her preschooler. He needed to surrender a bag of candy to us because he hadn't eaten dinner. Wait, wait, wait. Does your boss take away your paycheck when you make a mistake?..."
"...Are we teaching our children to hit when angry or frustrated? Do you ever dislike a meal or do not feel like eating? First, let's decide on family rules and consequences that are reasonable ... ahead of time. Teach your child the rules, the reason for the rule, and what will happen if you follow or do not. As adults, we know the speed limit. We know we might get a ticket, and the rule is to keep us safe. Children behave well when they understand."
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