After LA fires destroyed places of worship, Methodist, Muslim and Jewish congregations form an island of grace'

The First United Methodist Church in Pasadena has become an unexpected sanctuary for three different religious groups: Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Following a devastating fire that destroyed the Pasadena synagogue, the church welcomed the Jewish congregation alongside its existing partnership with the Islamic Center of Southern California. Pastor Amy Aitken emphasizes creating a 'safe space' for all, turning tragedy into a platform for unity despite ideological differences. This collaboration illustrates an extraordinary model of coexistence, transcending the usual conflicts observed in many communities around the world.
Entering a sacred space like the First United Methodist church can stir emotions. Curious visitors often wander through the church doors, attracted by its gothic exterior, and instinctively start to whisper.
Under this arrangement, all three Abrahamic faiths are worshiping under one roof at 500 East Colorado Boulevard. I can't think of another church that can say the same, said Aitken.
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