Refactoring long boolean expressions

Improving the readability of long Boolean expressions in Python can be accomplished in a few ways: By breaking them into multiple lines with operators placed at the beginning as per PEP8 guidelines, by naming sub-expressions with descriptive variables, or by employing functions for better clarity and short-circuiting. Additionally, utilizing De Morgan's Law helps rewrite complex expressions into simpler ones, thus enhancing code legibility. These techniques contribute to more maintainable and understandable code in Python, making logic checks easier to interpret at a glance.
To improve the readability of long Boolean expressions in Python, it's recommended to break them up over multiple lines with Boolean operators at the beginning.
Using descriptive variable names for sub-expressions allows for a quicker understanding of the entire expression's intent, enhancing the code's clarity.
You can substitute a complex Boolean logic expression with a simpler one by applying De Morgan's Law, which flips operators while distributing negation.
PEP8 suggests placing binary operators at the start of a new line to make the logical connections in long expressions clear and immediately identifiable.
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