Just one exo-Earth pixel can reveal continents, oceans, and more

Over the past 35 years, astronomy has experienced a significant transformation, discovering nearly 6,000 confirmed exoplanets compared to none in 1990. Utilizing techniques like transit observation and gravitational wobble detection, the field has advanced substantially. As new telescope technologies are developed, particularly to directly image distant Earth-sized planets around Sun-like stars, we may soon identify exoplanets with conditions similar to Earth. This advancement could lead to mapping these planets and investigating their potential for sustaining life, building upon our rich history of understanding life on Earth itself.
Over 35 years, a remarkable transformation in astronomy led to nearly 6,000 confirmed exoplanets, changing our understanding of the cosmos and paving way for potential life beyond Earth.
As telescope technology improves, we will enter a new era where Earth-sized exoplanets can be directly imaged, allowing us to explore the potential for life on these distant worlds.
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