How to tell which edge of a galaxy is tipped towards you

Spiral galaxies, prevalent in the Universe, often appear tipped or inclined rather than edge-on or face-on. By analyzing two key characteristics—dust concentration and star density—astronomers can determine which side of a galaxy is nearest to Earth. The center of spiral galaxies hosts more stars and is where dust is most prevalent. As light from stars behind the dust is obscured, the edge that appears dustiest is actually the closest one to the observer. This method allows for quick identification of proximity in astronomical observations.
When a galaxy appears tipped, or inclined, starlight that's behind the dust gets reddened and blocked. However, stars are densest towards any galaxy's center.
By identifying the dustiest edge of a spiral galaxy, you'll know that's the closest part to us.
Spiral galaxies are dustiest in their central galactic planes, which can be observed directly by examining spiral galaxies seen edge-on.
Wonderful visual clues can allow astronomers to conclude with confidence which edge of the galaxy is closest just by inspection.
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