How a few days in space can disrupt a person's biology

But on the morning before lift-off in September 2021, she felt strangely calm. 'I kept thinking, 'When am I going to get nervous?' she says. 'The 9-minute ride to space - I was just having the time of my life.'
The studies show that just a few days in orbit can cause immune-cell disruption, dehydration and cloudy thinking - but that most of these conditions revert to normal soon after the travellers return to Earth.
Taken together, the 44 reports - written by authors at more than 25 countries and 100 institutions - comprise the largest catalogue of data detailing space travel's impact on the human body.
This is the beginning of precision medicine for spaceflight,' says Christopher Mason, a geneticist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, who is a co-author on some of the papers. 'Let's bring the full armamentarium of modern molecular biologist tools to bear for these crews who are regular people.
Read at Nature