Global heating and urbanisation to blame for severity of UAE floods, study finds

Downpours in El Nino years such as this one had become 10-40% heavier in the region as a result of human-cased climate disruption, while a lack of natural drainage quickly turned roads into rivers.
Dubai received more than 14cm of rain in the space of 24 hours, equivalent to a year and a half of average precipitation. This was the heaviest downpour since records began in 1949.
The new study concluded that cloud seeding had no significant influence in the event. However, human influence worsened the impact in other ways.
Although a dearth of historical rainfall statistics meant the researchers could not precisely determine how much of the increase was due to human-caused climate change, they found that global heating, caused by burning fossil fuels, was the most likely explanation for the record downpour.
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