Flooding did not pose threat to Hungary's only nuclear power plant

Despite experiencing heavy rainfall and significant flooding across Central Europe, the Paks nuclear power plant in Hungary successfully maintained its energy production. The plant demonstrated resilience as the necessary precautions were in place to ensure uninterrupted operations while water levels peaked at an alarming 806 centimeters in the nearby Danube River. As floodwaters began to recede, the power plant's structural integrity and safety measures proved effective in addressing potential risks associated with extreme weather events.
Storm Boris wreaked havoc across various regions of Central Europe, particularly with extreme flooding from Romania through to Poland. The Danube River saw water levels rise dramatically, impacting many cities, including Pacs in Hungary. However, the resilience of the Paks nuclear power plant indicates that nuclear energy infrastructure can withstand severe weather conditions when effective emergency protocols and safety measures are implemented ahead of time.
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