Celebrities Quietly Paying Huge Amounts for Anti-Aging Stem Cell Therapy That May Cause Gruesome Side Effects

One celebrity to recently come clean about their use of these experimental treatments is British actor and comedian John Cleese... he's been spending around £17,000 a year on a private stem cell therapy to stave off aging.
Experts warn that not only are the purported benefits of these therapies unproven, they may even be outright damaging to our bodies, possibly leading to gruesome outcomes like cancer.
These clinics may be operating outside of regulatory oversight and scientific collaboration, and do not publish the protocols or outcomes of what they are doing to patients that pay for their services.
Not only are stem cells good at renewing themselves, the so-called pluripotent ones are capable of developing into virtually any kind of cell in the human body. They're basically jacks of all trades, and it's these properties that make them ideal for regenerating damaged or even lost tissue.
Read at Futurism