Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens?

Whenever we’re outside on a clear, starry night, our eyes are inexorably, almost irresistibly, drawn skyward, as if we can’t help ourselves from pondering and contemplating the great expanse of space that lies above us.
Could these hard-to-identify objects, normally called an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) or an unidentified flying object (UFO), be signs of something beyond what modern science has the ability to explain?
We shouldn’t let our imaginations run wild; we should figure out how to answer these questions scientifically. That’s what Stephen Johnson wants to know.
What are some specific types of data we’d need, in your opinion, for scientists to reach a reasonable consensus that [any particular] sighting should be attributed to, if not extraterrestrials, a phenomenon with no known Earthly explanation?
Read at Big Think