Ancient wolf with teeth intact after 44,000 years is found in Siberia

A ferocious-looking ancient wolf with its fearsome teeth intact has been uncovered from Siberian permafrost after 44,000 years. Experts say the adult male wolf found in Yakutia, eastern Russia, has amazingly-preserved fur, bone and even organs, as well as teeth and bone.
Ancient remains found in permafrost are among the most complete ever found because the ice stops organic matter from decomposing. The wolf was discovered in 2021 in the permafrost at a depth of about 130 ft by the Tirekhtyakh River in Yakutia.
'As a result of the dissection, we hope to get an instantaneous cross-section of the biota of the ancient Pleistocene period. It was an active and large predator, and we have the opportunity to find out what it ate.' - Dr Albert Protopopov
'We extracted a premolar - a tooth - to determine the biological age of the find. However, based on the wear of the teeth and the development of the sagittal crest, we can already say that this is an adult male.' - Dr Maxim Cheprasov
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