Cutting 'boots-on-the-ground, getting-it-done stuff' could harm the West's fish and wildlife for decades - High Country News

Proposed budget cuts by the Trump administration could severely affect vital fish and wildlife research projects in the West, including studies on species such as elk and sage grouse. The U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Units may face cuts between 10% and 40%, which experts warn could lead to increased taxpayer costs and long-term damage to wildlife conservation efforts. Western states and nonprofits with substantial investments in these research initiatives are particularly concerned, as ongoing projects may be compromised, impacting efforts to manage declining wildlife populations effectively.
My concern is really high. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has have over $4 million worth of projects... Our co-op unit is pretty integral to our ability to do and answer the real applied science questions, like declining populations.
Any cuts to the agencies will have ripple effects throughout the wildlife world, experts say, while cuts of up to 40% could cause permanent harm to fish and wildlife.
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