Deno runtime now integrates with Jupyter Notebook

Introduced September 20, Deno 1.37 lets developers use the new deno jupyter command to build a Deno kernel to be used within Jupyter Notebook. Smooth integration bridges the gap between scripting and analysis, according to proponents of the Node.js alternative.
Deno 1.37 also include the following updates: The testing suite was revamped to make it more intuitive to write tests and ensure quicker feedback loops. For Node.js compatibility, continued improvements were made to built-in Node APIs, with Deno now supporting modules such as npm:mssql, npm:web-push, and npm:mineflayer. Most NPM modules work out of the box. For quality of life, there is now support for a new attributes syntax, graceful shutdown using Deno.serve(), and performance improvements. The Lockfile format has been updated to version 3. Deno 1.37 ships with TypeScript 5.2.2 and the Google V8 11.8 JavaScript/WebAssembly engine.
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