As APIs grow in popularity, developers face challenges such as excessive requests from users or denial-of-service attacks. Implementing rate limiting is essential to manage these issues, allowing a controlled number of requests per user. Using the Throttler module in NestJS, developers can set specific request limits, which helps in maintaining API performance and reliability. By applying global guards, those exceeding limits will receive a status code "429 Too Many Requests," effectively blocking abusive behavior while serving legitimate users.
When building a REST API, we must prepare for various cases... we might encounter users who begin sending hundreds or thousands of requests per second.
To solve the above issues, we can implement rate limiting. It ensures that a single user can't overwhelm our API by allowing us to limit how frequently they can make API requests.
One of the ways to implement rate limiting with NestJS is to use the provided Throttler module.
Thanks to the above, if we have more than 10 requests coming from a particular IP in 60 seconds, they will be blocked.