Mets' Edwin Diaz back on track after missing entire 2023 season: 'I think we will get the same guy'

"If I changed 'Narco' I think I would get in trouble with the fans," Diaz said Monday at Clover Field after a bullpen session.
"I think if I was there, I would have been able to help them to win more games. So I hope this year to be there with [the team] and make the playoffs. That's our goal."
"It makes everything so much easier," Stearns said. "It makes building the rest of your 'pen and allowing those guys to feel comfortable in their roles a heck of a lot easier. If Edwin continues on this progression and he's able to anchor the back end of the 'pen, that certainly makes the rest of the puzzle fit a little bit more neatly."
Read at Troy Record