Christmas in June

The only ones that delayed play came before the first pitch, which follows a 2024 pattern. Five times this year the Mets have played ball after a tarp covered the field at their scheduled start time, yet to this point, they haven't endured a single in-game rain delay.
Nobody in the Met lineup finished Friday night hitting as high as .300, but neither did any of our on-and-off offense-providers leave Citi Field batting less than .200. If a third consecutive win is what an average offensive team can produce, then by all means LGM (let's get middling).
After topping the San Diego Padres, 3-2, Mets are a mere three games from a Wild Card slot, and have to pass only St. Louis, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Arizona, Pittsburgh, Washington and Chicago to claim it. Traffic can be a real hassle in these parts.
I count seven Friars from Friday night's box score, who were members of San Diego's 2022 squad, five of whom participated in that October's dreadful National League Wild Card Series, all of which transpired in Flushing, little of it to positive effect.
Read at Faithandfearinflushing