"Bernard King was one of the NBA's greatest scorers from the minute he set foot in the League in 1977, but it took him six seasons and four teams until he really found his niche. He scored 50 on consecutive nights in '83-84 and single-handedly demolished the Pistons in the '84 playoffs, averaging 42.6 ppg. But all of that was just an appetizer for King's real masterpiece: The entire '84-85 season, when he led the League with 32.9 ppg and gave low-post clinics on a nightly basis." - Alan Paul
"This brilliant season peaked when he dropped 60 on the Nets on Christmas Day, 20 years ago, causing more than a few people to spray eggnog out their noses. His Knick teammates, however, were largely unfazed by Bernard's explosion."
"Too bad, SLAM wasn't a thing until 1994 when the magazine launched in full. Thus, one of the best New York Knicks players ever never had the chance of earning that accolade - one you can rest assured he hella sure would have gotten had the Basketball Bible been around 10 years earlier."