The new state of Wyoming has become famous already for its natural scenery. The greater portion of Wyoming is a rolling tableland, with here and there a short, abrupt range of mountains, or group of hills rather, rising up out of an illimitable, arid and treeless plain. The eastern portion slopes away to the Black hills of South Dakota, which form a black wall along the south half of the eastern boundary, between Wyoming and South Dakota.
If you stand on some of the highest peaks of the Black hills, Mount Harney, for instance, you can see halfway across the state, and the only obstruction which meets your vision as you gaze to the north and westward is the Devil's tower, or Bear lodge, in the direction of the Belle Fourche river.
Except the remarkable phenomena found in the Yellowstone park, in northwestern Wyoming, there are none that will compare for grandeur with this awe-inspiring monument of nature's handiwork in eastern Wyoming.
The last hours of the dying President were deeply touching. In his moments of consciousness he realized his approaching end... The parting between this devoted pair was an unwitnessed tragedy. The doctors slipped back into the shadows of the darkened room and hid their faces.