NYC COVID adviser brags in secret recording about drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic: 'Had to be sneaky'

"I had to be kind of sneaky about it... because I was running the entire COVID response in the city," Varma was filmed telling the unidentified woman on Aug. 1 in what appears to be a restaurant.
Varma acknowledged it would have been a 'real embarrassment' for the city if he had been busted at the non-socially-distanced parties - despite saying there were no gathering restrictions at the time.
We went to some like, underground dance party... underneath a bank on Wall Street... We were all rolling, we're all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody's high.
But I was looking around being like, 'F-k, I wonder if anybody sees me they're gonna be pissed'. Because this was not COVID-friendly.
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