New Yorker accused of tossing urine, feces at patrons of TikTok-famous photo booth next door sued for $500K

Maggie Trakas, an artist neighbor, claims the Old Friend Photobooth attracts a disruptive influx of tourists, saying, 'We're talking up to hundreds of people on the line... No one local, not even NYU.'
The legal complaint describes Trakas's actions as 'deranged and health-hazardous,' expressing that Trakas will stop at nothing to derail the operation of the Old Friend Photobooth.
Trakas asserts that the owners of the booth are exploiting the neighborhood, stating, 'This is a stunt he's creating to extort money.'
After opening in December, the booth's popularity provoked Trakas to declare, 'This is war!' suggesting her strong opposition to its presence.
Read at New York Post