How the family of a wealthy heiress stopped her killer inheriting her 4m fortune

A high court judge has emphatically ruled that wealthy heiress Paula Leeson was unlawfully killed by her husband, blocking him from inheriting her £4.4m estate. Serial liar Donald McPherson, 51, was previously found not guilty of her murder during his trial, which drew to a close in 2021 when a judge directed a not guilty verdict halfway through. However, the family effectively contested his inheritance rights at civil court, highlighting the unique legal proceedings in this tragic case.
Mr Justice Richard Smith decisively ruled that McPherson unlawfully killed Ms Leeson by compressing her neck and subsequently leaving her to drown in a swimming pool. The motive was clearly identified as money, suggesting premeditated intentions behind McPherson’s actions. The civil ruling is significant, given its lower standard of proof compared to criminal cases, stemming from the family's persistent legal actions to ensure justice for Paula, rendering a severe legacy on McPherson’s pursuit of estate inheritance.
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