Exclusive | 'Big Brother' star Brooklyn Rivera blames 'malicious' Quinn Martin for her eviction, calls out Tucker's gameplay

"We had a great thing going. We were the core of a collective group. We were going to be safe. We could see final eight and final five, and it was going to be pretty. And we had a great plan. And he just couldn't believe it."
"I respect his game a lot more because he's doing it 'Big Brother' style: malicious, sneaky, devious, conspiring away. That’s a part of the game."
"Tucker's only game plan is just winning competitions and blowing up everybody else's stuff and being mad that we're all doing the same thing he's doing."
"He is all about that. He's not a fan of the show. Had never watched the show really before this. I value the fans a little more. And the game."
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