The checks from co-defendant Mout'z Soudani, including a string of $5,000 payments marked "loan," were part of a paper trail that tied Rosenwasser to the scandal - and sent federal agents to arrest him at his home on Tuesday morning when he opened fire on them then apparently took his own life.
The allegations read like a spy novel, with the then-prosecutor and the former restauranteur meeting secretly at out-of-the-way spots that included a local diner where Soudani allegedly handed over a check for $15,000 in November 2022, according to the document.
It's truly heartbreaking that it ended this way, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler said. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family.
Rosenwasser cashed dozens of checks and money orders from his wealthy co-defendant over a nearly two-year period that saw him pocket $63,000 in exchange for fabricating an embezzlement case as a top prosecutor.