"I remember my inner voice say, 'Hold on to this paper, there will be another one like it. He will be a two-term president,'" said Diaz, reflecting her conviction in Trump's reelection ahead of the 2024 victory.
"Despite many New Yorkers' assertions that Trump's first term was a political fluke, 'I had every confidence that with sound fiscal policies, he would be re-elected [again] with a clean sweep,'" emphasizes Diaz's unwavering belief in Trump's political efficacy.
"I hold conservative views and I have found both the [New York] Times and the New York Daily News have strong liberal bias. I don't appreciate the slant. I can think for myself," illustrates her discontent with mainstream media.
"She liked that The Post's coverage after Trump's latest win was 'a rather decent picture of his victory' - rather than 'making him a target.' This underlines her appreciation for the newspaper's approach to reporting.