In discussing his trial, Penny said, 'It really showed their arrogance in kind of their lack of understanding of what's really happening and, really, what public perception of crime is.' He criticized the prosecutorial approach, suggesting it stemmed from a disconnect with actual societal issues around crime.
Penny expressed disappointment with the policies indicating they 'have clearly not worked, that the people, the general population are not in support of.' He remarked on how political considerations seem to prevent acknowledgment of this failure.
Reflecting on the changes he observed in the subway system after his military service, he stated, 'Definitely different from what I remembered it to be before the Marine Corps.' Penny found the current environment more dangerous and unsettling.
He remarked about his surprising perception upon his return, noting, 'I guess I was pretty innocent to all the things that were going on.' Penny felt the atmosphere had significantly shifted regarding safety.