Court told Chris Kaba's last words: One sec, I think there is police behind me'

"I called Chris by WhatsApp at 20.00 on September 5. Unfortunately, he did not answer my call right away. Chris returned my call at 21.57. Chris told me that he was driving at the time he returned my call. I was at home. Chris and I were having a normal conversation as we were discussing our lives. At some stage during the course of the conversation Chris stated ‘Lish, one sec, I think there is police behind me.’"
"I continued talking to Chris. Chris did not respond and it was at that stage that I realised the call had been muted at Chris's end. I did not hang up the call right away. I continued to ask ‘can you hear me,’ and ‘take me off mute.’ The call ended at 22.07. I redialled within seconds to see if he would answer. He did not. I assumed Chris would call me back within 10 minutes but he did not. I found out the following morning that Chris had passed away."
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