3Lower Nob Hill

I support the efforts to acquire, build, and maintain new parks in Lower Nob Hill and Lower Polk, which previously lacked attention from the Recreation and Parks Department. As a Supervisor, I will continue to push for project completion in collaboration with community organizations and city departments.
As a Supervisor, I will work with community members and city departments to identify a location, conduct community planning, lead fundraising efforts, and ensure sufficient funding for construction and operation of the park in Lower Nob Hill.
As a city designer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, I support the creation of a vibrant and sustainable park in Lower Nob Hill, emphasizing community involvement, native plant species, and fund acquisition from various channels.
As a candidate, I have been advocating for a new park in Lower Nob Hill for the past 4 years. I promise to collaborate with city departments, neighbors, and potential donors to acquire and open a new park in the community, aiming to provide essential open spaces for residents.
Read at Mission Local