Renting in New York City can be challenging, particularly for students like Arpit Ahluwalia, who moved to Brooklyn for his master's degree. Living just feet from a subway station at Myrtle Avenue, he experiences the constant noise of trains. Despite its drawbacks, including limited privacy, the close proximity to the subway is highly valued for ensuring he and his friends can attend classes without issues. As they navigate NYC's rental market, the trade-off of affordability versus location is evident, particularly for those familiar with popular sites like StreetEasy.
If I need fresh air, I'll open [the window] with the caveat that it might get a little noisier.
The subway thing becomes a constant thing that you drown out.
We're students, we want to make sure we don't miss our classes.
I've been on StreetEasy looking at apartments and I'm like, 'Oh my God, this apartment is so cheap.' And you're like oh, its on Broadway.