On March 6, protesters gathered in Downtown Brooklyn to demand a halt to jail construction linked to the $16 billion Borough-Based Jails Program. While the program aims to replace the notorious Rikers Island with humane alternatives, critics view this as a continuation of oppressive practices. They argue the new jails symbolize false promises of reform and reflect heightened police presence that has not translated into community safety. Protesters expressed skepticism toward Mayor Eric Adams and highlighted historical failures of the prison system to deliver on promises.
"After years of organizing to close Rikers, the city agreed to do so by 2027, a date that no one expects it to comply with... We must remember that these are false promises."
"What [comes] from all of this police presence? Do we see less violence? The answer is no... lived experience teaches [Black, brown, and Indigenous] communities that the state and the military is not what keeps us safe."