Council Member Julie Won has introduced successful legislation to suspend alternate side parking on Losar, Tibetan New Year, celebrated from Feb. 28 to March 2. The initiative aims to empower Tibetan and Himalayan communities in the city, raising awareness and enhancing civic engagement. With broad support, including 42 co-sponsors within the City Council, the bill underscores a celebration of immigrant cultures amid prevailing uncertainty due to immigration policies. Won emphasized the importance of allowing over 61,000 Tibetan Buddhists to celebrate without parking worries, highlighting the city's commitment to its diverse communities.
Now, over 61,000 Tibetan Buddhists in our district and across New York City can celebrate their most important holiday without having to worry about moving their cars or getting a parking ticket.
At a time when there is so much fear and uncertainty as a result of federal immigration policies, our bill sends a message that we support, recognize, and celebrate immigrants.