Fresno County has a new 'sanctuary city.' Will it protect the undocumented from deportations?

Huron, a small city in the central San Joaquin Valley, has declared itself a 'sanctuary city,' aiming to protect its undocumented residents from deportation. The resolution passed by the city council prohibits the use of city resources to assist federal immigration enforcement, apart from cases involving convicted felons. This measure ensures equal access to city services for all residents, regardless of immigration status. Huron's declaration reflects its predominantly Hispanic population and addresses concerns about safety and crime reporting fears amid federal immigration crackdowns.
'My residents deserve to feel confident, safe and comfortable in their community without fear of being a victim of a crime without the ability of reporting it out without fear of being detained for being an economic/climate refugee,' Mayor Rey León said in a Jan. 16 Instagram post.
Huron's decision to become a sanctuary city is a rarity in the central San Joaquin Valley, where few municipalities have passed such measures.
Read at Sacramento Bee