During a recent press event for her film 'Black Bag', Cate Blanchett shared her vehement dislike for leaf blowers, describing them as emblematic of human folly. In a TikTok interview series, she articulated her view that they waste time and contribute to environmental issues. Blanchett's animosity towards these devices dates back to 2007, where she linked their usage to broader societal problems. Her sentiments have remained consistent over the years, positioning her as a notable advocate for this environmental perspective.
"Leaf blowers need to be eradicated from the face of the Earth. It's a metaphor for what's wrong with us as a species. We blow shit from one side of our lawn to the other side, and then the wind is just gonna blow it back."
"In a 2007 interview, Blanchett stated that leaf blowers 'sum up everything that is wrong with the human race.'"