Campaign notebook: A debate about the mayor's debate, and a first fundraising glimpse

The upcoming April 15 election prompted a heated mayoral debate between Loren Taylor and Barbara Lee, both strong contenders with significant support. Taylor emphasized his past alignment with voters advocating for the recall of former mayor Sheng Thao, distancing himself from Thao's backers. He criticized Lee's associations and framing it as influential to her campaign. Conversely, Lee focused on unity, rejecting personal attacks and showcasing diverse support from labor and business groups. The debate signifies key contrasts in their political paths, with implications for Oakland's future leadership.
"I'm proud to have stood with the over 86,000 Oaklanders who voted to recall Thao... Unfortunately, those who supported, backed, and propped up Sheng Thao, they don't want me to be mayor."
"I will not take cheap shots at people who support (Taylor), that's wrong. I'm talking about bringing the city together, not dividing us."
Read at The Oaklandside