Frank Seddio, a significant figure in Brooklyn politics and a Board of Elections member, promoted a fundraiser for Anthony Weiner's City Council campaign, raising ethical concerns from watchdogs. Despite no legal violations, critics argue it undermines the integrity required of election officials. Susan Lerner, from Common Cause New York, emphasized the need to prioritize voters over political candidates. The New York City Charter restricts political activity by certain officials, but BOE officials have historically claimed these rules don't apply to them, prompting calls for reform.
As an election commissioner, is he going to put the interests and the needs of the voters first, or is he going to prioritize the candidate that he is fundraising for?
The New York City Charter prohibits certain city officials with substantial policy discretion from engaging in political activities like hosting fundraisers. But since 2001, New York Board of Elections officials have held the position that that provision of the charter does not apply to them.