A 21-year-old Staten Island man alleges he was raped over 30 times by his female counselor, Maya Hayes, at Brookwood Youth Facility when he was only 17. The lawsuit claims Hayes, identifying herself as a psychologist, groomed him under the guise of counseling. Reports indicate some facility staff were aware of the misconduct, even joking about it. The suit details how Hayes manipulated the victim emotionally and exploited her role, while the boy's cries for help fell on deaf ears. After an arrest, Hayes pleaded not guilty to numerous charges including criminal sexual acts.
"The alleged abuse began about three months after the accuser, whose name is being withheld by The Post, arrived, the suit claims. It didn't end until he had been raped more than 30 times."
"Hayes allegedly 'groomed and manipulated [the victim] into trusting that what she was doing had some basis in legitimate care and treatment. It did not.'"
"Staff apparently knew what was going on. 'Are you doing things with Big Foot?' workers asked the teen..."
"Staffers at the Brookwood Youth Facility cracked jokes about the alleged abuse, the victim claimed in court papers."