"My daughter told me about this razor, saying that she has used this for years, so I went ahead and order one. That was the best decision ever. I will NEVER ever waste money buying razors again. You can keep this one forever. The razor is made with a good, strong material and it's pretty. It's easy to use, practical, easy to change the blades, and it will last you a long time. This is the last time you have to buy a razor. Do yourself a favor and buy this. You will save so much money it's crazy. Hope you love it as much as I do." - Amazon Customer
"I like the bamboo base, the glass top, and the way it all fits together. It's easy to clean, beautiful to look at, and incredibly functional. I LOVE this butter dish." - Robert
"Light this little device up with an unlit candle underneath and it'll evenly melt the wax (it has both a dimmer and timer), helping your candles last longer even if they've started tunneling."