Clean Slate, streaming on Amazon Prime Video, follows a woman named Desiree, a transgender character returning to her Alabama hometown after years in New York City. The show presents the dynamics between Desiree and her father, Harry, reflecting a supportive family narrative. Unlike traditional sitcoms featuring conflict over gender identity, the series opts for humor and acceptance, introducing themes of reconciliation and love. This progressive approach showcases a world where transgender rights are acknowledged, contrasting with real-world challenges surrounding these issues. Clean Slate illustrates the evolution of social attitudes, similar to the progress seen with LGBTQ+ representation.
What might be most striking about Clean Slate is how un-fraught the situation is. After his initial surprise and a few pronoun faux pas, Harry takes his daughter's identity in stride.
The statement, and maybe the fantasy, of the show is to posit a world that largely, casually assumes transgender rights and personhood, even as the headlines from our actual world scream otherwise.