Samantha Mennella experienced a horrifying incident on a New York City subway when a man spit on her twice. Feeling threatened and vulnerable, she fled to another train. Her TikTok video about the incident has garnered significant attention, emphasizing the need for vigilance in public transportation. Despite the rise in misdemeanors, Mennella chose not to file a police report, believing many similar incidents go unreported, skewing perceptions of subway safety. She now takes precautions, including changing her appearance and avoiding late-night subway rides.
"This man spits a huge loogie - it lands right on my chest,' a disgusted Mannella, 29, said in a horrifying TikTok video last month that has gotten more than 450,000 views."
"Let this be a reminder to stay vigilant on the subway, because our city is unsafe," she said in the video.
"I was surprised by how many other people have shared similar experiences," Mannella told The Post.
"I think a lot of these incidents go unreported, which makes the statistics claiming the subway is safe feel misleading."