Tool look to record new music in the "second half of the year"

"Well, there's a lot to be put together. We have, as usual, loads of ideas, loads of stuff that didn't get used - constantly writing new stuff. I write something, I immediately know it's for Tool. It sounds the right way."
"I'd say by June we're going to be back home after Europe, and the second half of the year we're going to get in and give it another go to try and put some of it together. We're not going to be taking so much time over it if we're going to do an album, we're going to figure out how to do it a little bit quicker."
"It's a really painstaking process that we go through to finish [an album], and get it where we are all completely convicted. It pays off in the long run because we never really get tired of performing our songs. It gives rise to a vehicle that we can all believe in."
Read at Consequence