Stream Islands' "The End" off their "final album"

The final song on the final album from Islands pulls no punches. It's The End. We've reached the last stop on the station, and it's time to disembark into the void. With this song, I wanted to look back on the hinge point in our lives when we begin to realize that our existence will not be forever. And when we reach the end, how will we reflect on the life we led? Are we satisfied with the choices we made? Did we have a positive impact on the world or did we do more harm than good.
It may be the end, but the song is a lively take on the kind of quirky, catchy indie pop that Nick has been making since his days in The Unicorns.
With recording [this record] entirely in my home province of British Columbia, I wanted to tap into my Canadian forebears a little bit. It's subtle, but I wanted to acknowledge the greats that came before me, like Destroyer, Teenage Head, Nash the Slash, Rufus Wainwright, Kate & Anna McGarrigle, and of course Neil Young, Joni Mitchell & Leonard Cohen.
Read at BrooklynVegan