Stay Inside tell us about their 10 favorite albums of 2023

Stay Inside's 10 Favorite Albums of 2023 In no particular order: Chartreuse - Morning Ritual We found this incredible English band's fantastic EP "Is It Autumn Already?" earlier this year and really fell in love with their jazzy, somber crooning songs and hotly anticipated their debut album. Morning Ritual did not disappoint. Like some starcrossed collaboration between Carissa's Wierd and Black Country, New Road, Chartreuse is the perfect soundtrack for the winter.
Good Looking Friends - Wasted Now Our dearest, and oldest friends came together this year to put out their best album. Wasted Now is a delicately written meditation on the overwhelming horrors of American life in the 2020s. Developing their penchant for post rock inspired crescendos into orchestral anthems with the addition of saxophone and strings, GLF reaches new emotional heights. Spencer Krug - I Just Drew This Knife The prolific Canadian Wolf Parade alum, previously known as Sunset Rubdown has quietly been putting out records under his real name since '21 on his own record label, and this year hit a new vein. This Knife is a post-punky, R&B inspired gothy record full of funky bass grooves and some of the hookiest and fleshed out songs
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