The article explores how specific songs have inspired notorious murder cases, with killers using lyrics as motivation, identity affirmation, and a rallying cry. Notable examples include the Beatles' "Helter Skelter," associated with Charles Manson's cult and multiple murders, and Michael Jackson's "Thriller," which inspired the British Railway Killers. Research indicates that exposure to violent or misogynous lyrics can increase aggressive tendencies, thus highlighting a troubling link between music and violent behavior among certain individuals.
Some murder incidents have been fueled in part by specific songs. The killers viewed the lyrics as inspiration, a sense of identity, and a call to action.
Researchers have found that exposure to violent lyrics can heighten aggressive intent. Misogynous lyrics raised aggression in studies on sex-based hostility.
The song also propelled the murder of Jason Sweeney...They bludgeoned him to death. They'd plotted this attack for over a week.
British 'Railway Killers,' David Mulcahy and John Duffy preferred Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' for inspiration. During their spree in the 1980s, they'd play a tape of it.