Property owners in South San Jose desire greater collaboration with code enforcement to address potential violations, preferring proactive engagement over punitive measures. District 10 Councilmember George Casey facilitated a neighborhood tour with landlords and city officials to highlight ongoing issues like graffiti, illegal dumping, and homeless encampments that lead to code violations. Landlords express frustration with the tier system, where properties often receive high penalties despite remediation efforts. They call for a more supportive approach to fostering compliance and reducing fines, with recommendations for improving the tier reassessment process.
It was important for me to get city officials, like those with code enforcement, out into the neighborhood to show them this place is an issue and it's been overlooked. The city needs to do a better job of coming out and giving these folks an opportunity to drop down in the tier system if they demonstrate that they've modified or remediated any concerns or issues. But the problem is, it takes forever.
There are some homes here that should be tier 1 based on the effort that landlords have put into it, and they're still getting charged tier three fines and fees.
Sadije Alaj, who has owned three properties near Via Monte Drive for 30 years, said she pays $1,000 in code fees for her property classified as a tier 3 - the most unfavorable tier in the system.