A temporary vertical TV screen was introduced in the 24th Street BART plaza to explore the potential of digital kiosks replacing traditional news racks. Julia Gitis of the Community News Lab engaged local residents, primarily Spanish speakers, in contributing feedback on desired content, with many expressing interest in job postings and local events. Suggestions included information about public transit, volunteer opportunities, health news, and art. Gitis envisions these digital kiosks as artist-designed, permanent fixtures that enhance the plaza's aesthetics and utility.
"Empleo" one person wrote on a whiteboard provided to crowdsource ideas. "Trabajo" someone added. Overwhelmingly, those interviewed requested information about job postings, and events around the neighborhood.
"It would be good to see local volunteer opportunities or organizations that need help," said Rex Lu. One of the test slides on the test screen was a list of nearby food banks.
"I'd like to see any news about health," said Edward Pulido, in Spanish. Or anything about art, he added. "I like art."
Gitis hopes the kiosks - which would be sturdy, permanent structures, like similar ones in Berkeley, Oakland or New York - will be designed in partnership with local artists.