A Cultural Mission returns

While business closures continue to pummel the Mission there are many indications that 2024 is going to see an outpouring of creative activity, starting with the huge turnout for last week's opening of the exhibition 'HOME' at the Drawing Room gallery.
'I see the Little Match Girl as the victim of poverty, loneliness and despair,' said choreographer Krissy Keefer, who founded Dance Brigade in 1984. 'Some have interpreted her as a visionary who has her own agency, but we're looking at, what is a dream, what's a hallucination, what's a vision?'
'Megan Lowe sings 'The Sound of Silence',' Keefer said. 'She the chanteuse, and her character weaves in and out of the action. It's a musical piece with quite a bit of singing, a lot of theater and a lot of dance. I developed it and wrote it and worked with dancers to choreograph it.'
Delving into the treacherous dichotomy between rising wealth and festering poverty that has come to define so much of the San Francisco landscape, the dance theater production puts a decidedly contemporary spin on the sentimental Hans Christen Andersen fable 'The Little Match Girl.'
Read at Mission Local